Wednesday, August 26, 2009

25 Weeks - Update #2

Well here we are at 25 weeks and counting. I would have never thought this was going to be part of our story. Living in separate cities, wishing things were different but knowing that this is the best situation for my girls. Joanna is a strong women. I think that deserves repeating, my wife Joanna is a strong women. I don't know how she does it quite frankly, well that's not quite true, I do know, she has an amazing support group of friends and family and an even more amazing faith.

The doctors tell us that every morning we wake up and those babies are still inside, we have increased their chance of survival 2-4%. That is amazing. So is the fact that the steroid shot that Joanna received the night we were admitted to LMH has only been widely used for the last 10 years. Its primary goal is to develop the babies lungs to a point that they can be useful outside the womb. If the babies stay in long enough, Jo will be getting another shot if they think the babies are coming soon.

I am pretty sure that this week has been what I call an adjustment week. As many of you know I am a huge dog lover and this has also been a tough thing for me as our dog is living at some friends of ours, due to the fact that I have erratic hours and I am traveling all the time. I really appreciate you guys (Terri/James, Ashlynn(sp?) and Christian).

House renovations are coming along, we set out to redo the 3 upstairs bedrooms with paint, flooring, baseboards, new bathrooms (en suite and main), as well as new flooring in the front entrance and rental suite. Gosh, what was I thinking...... anyways my Dad has moved back from Alberta and has been a God send. The baby room is 90% complete save for a painted closet and a few pieces of furniture to be delivered (cribs/shelf unit). Flooring will be completed in the rooms by Saturday and then we are looking square into the eyes of a bathroom reno.....

Joanna continues to occupy her time with, books, movies, magazines, email, craigslist, phone calls and of course visits. Thank you all who are emailing to schedule in visits, it really helps to keep the visit load at a chewable pace. Again the contact info is, Deb will get back to you with a day and time that will work best.

Continue to pray that 'baby A' produces enough amneonic fluid and that no infections pop up at all.

In Health,


P.S. Thanks to all who have given your time to cook meals and deliver them, this little selfless act is very much apprecited. I wish I could give tax deductible receipts...... Cheers!


  1. Ryan, sounds like you are on a roll. That is a ton of work you've got on your to-do list! Sounds like you're nesting! :) Yes Joanna is strong and amazing. A mother will do anything and everything for her children. You are being an amazing support to her too!!

  2. Both of my boys were high risk deliveries and the doctors and nurses at Women's are fabulous... If there is anything you or Joanna need/want and I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to call me. Sending love and all the good vibes to all four of you. Thank you for keeping us updated. Shannon
