Fitting that update #14 comes on the 14th of October, the day of our baby girls birth! Wow a few hours after my post last night I got a phone call from Jo to let me know there were some contractions. Well contractions turned into a quick labour, full dilation and a super speedy C section. Traffic held me up but I was able to make it into the OR 5 min before Kyra Lee was born(9:46am). Marika Ruth came two minutes later(9:48). As predicted I got super light headed and spent a few minutes laying on the floor of the OR trying to regain my faculties. Stayed concious though, pretty happy about that. Jo was a rock, she really was calm throughout even though I had to take breaks....
Both girls are in the NICU and Marika is doing really great, she is almost ready to be taken off the ventilator. Kyra on the other hand is fighting hard for her very life, she has had a rough go and with the water being broken for so long so she is no stranger to advercity. Please pray she fights hard, her cardio respiratory system is being heavily supported and she has a tough road ahead. Thanks again for all the well wishes, life has changed and we are excited for what the future holds. (More pics to come)
Kyra Lee Jobs

Marika Ruth Jobs
CONGRATULATION! What a miracle! I am so happy and truly grateful to our God! Kyra and Marika look wonderful! My prayers will continue for all of you and particularly for Kyra! You are right, she is a fighter! All my love to all four of you!!!! :) Wilma Van Brummelen :):):)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful beautiful beautiful... my eyes are filled with tears and my heart is heavy for little Kyra. Praying she gains her strength and that angels protect her from harm. God has her in His hands. So excited that Marika is doing SO well and is almost ready to breathe without a ventilator, that's amazing! Congrats Mama & Daddy!!! ~Simone
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness! what a miracle! i am so excited for you both. your girls look beautiful. We are praying for all four of you!
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying hard! Congratulations on the beauties though!
ReplyDeleteI just noticed Jo's hand in the second photo ~ doesn't it feel amazing to finally touch them?? Oh the love of a mother... thinking of you guys tonight. Hope you get some rest but bet it will be hard with all the excitement and emotions. We'll be checking back often for updates. Love you guys!! - Andersons
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! That is so wonderful! Will be praying! They are both beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the photos! They look so much bigger than I expected. Our prayers are with all four of you and extra special ones are being sent for Kyra, 'the fighter'.
ReplyDeleteHey, congratulations!!! both girls look adorable. I asked justin if they looked like Joanna and he kind of laughed. he said it's a little hard to tell right now until they get older! I've got that children's song stuck in my head...
ReplyDelete"He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.
He's got Marika and Kyra in His hands,
He's got Marika and Kyra in His hands,
He's got Marika and Kyra in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands."
Kind of corny but it's in my head and it's driving me NUTS! but it is also reminding me of that important truth that He has His hands on your girls. so, I thought I'd share and maybe you can go nuts having that song dance around in your head too and remember that He is not that far away and He loves those girls even more than you do:) Praying hard! Love, Faye
Hello, this is Tracy. (Stacey’s friend) I wrote you once before. I heard about the birth of your beautiful blessings. I have also heard that Kyra is fighting for her life. You have all been in my prayers and I just wanted to share a couple things… It is interesting how God works. So many times we don’t understand what He is doing. John 9 talks about God healing a blind man. I’m sure you know the story. The man has been blind since birth. Jesus heals him. John 9:2 &3 “And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.”
ReplyDeleteNeither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. I just think that is so incredible. We often don’t know why God does the things he does. We see so many innocent people have bad things happen to them. Like your situation in the past months. The struggles you went through to keep those babies inside. Then to give birth and have one of them fighting for her very life. I hope that verse can give a glimpse into why it happened. That the works of God could be revealed! I believe it was a metrical that the babies were able to stay in Jo as long as they did. Now I believe we can see another miracle happen as well, with the healing of that precious baby girl.
One other thing I was just reading in C. S. Lewis Mere Christianity. He is talking about God working is us to make us perfect. “God is putting us into situations where we will have to be very much braver, or more patient, or more loving, than we ever dreamed of being before. It seems to us all unnecessary: but that is because we have not yet had the slightest notion of the tremendous thing He means to make of us.”
I love that as well. “that is because we have not yet had the slightest notion of the tremendous thing He means to make of us.” God is working in us. Every situation we are in He designed. No matter how confusing or hard, He made it for some reason. You are being molded into the man and woman that God wants you to be! As long as we look to Him for the strength and comfort to get through it, all the ways He can work are unfathomable.
It is my prayer that you all come from this situation, no matter what the outcome, with a newfound strength in God.
Thinking of you guys. Ryan just told me the latest update. All I can think about is how miraculous it is that Kyra has hung on for so long in her circumstances. I remember very clearly how severe my situation was with Jake when I had 1 cm of fluid, the fact that she has hung on for over two months with zero fluid is mind boggling. That's the only way to describe it really - she IS a miracle. If she has hung on for so long already, I truly believe she's got what it takes to make it. God has big plans for her!! And sounds like Marika is doing amazing ~ I bet the nurses and doctors can't help but be at least a little astounded at your two beautiful miracle babies!! Our God is so great!!! Praying for peace that passes understanding, and healing on your little ones. -Simone
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, all those weeks ago ,we hoped , we prayed, but we really didn't know. Will keep praying for the little ones, you really are in the best place. Langley would love to see you all back again as the babies become 'growers'. I'll have to be a visitor though as I'm off for a while [ with a fractured hip!] but looking forward to meeting them again.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Joanna! Jonathon and I just finally got around to checking out your Blog - so precious! We have been and will keep praying for you and the babies! Blessings, Ruth