School is in. This used to be a busy and exciting time for us. Jo going back to work, eager to meet her students for the year, yet tons of work to be done and meetings to attend. Its funny how life's lesson plan sometimes has a whole different idea of what we are going to learn come this September. Instead of meeting new parents/kids/friends Jo has met and befriended almost every nurse in the ward. My psycology would be to be extremely nice to my nurses, be their easiest patient for their shift, complain as little as possible, if at all, all in an effort to see if I could score some extra food. But that's just me, and for my learning outcomes for the month, taking a page out of my wife's manual is top priority. She does all the aforementioned things minus the reverse psychology 'must get more food' mentality. She just does it because that is just who she is. (Man I love her for that!) I am writing this point down, for the sole purpose of being able at a later date to recall her amazing attitude in the face of adversity.
One of the areas in life that I think I have tried and hopefully get better at as I age is; learning from others experiences. Now this may sound simplistic almost to the point of obvious. But how often do we find ourselves being defiant and seeking our own path, just because its 'our own'? Hypothetical Example: Be demanding, quick to anger, short in compliments and overall just a jerkto be around and see if the waitress spits in your food. My point is this not every server will react in this manner, but is it worth the risk? Joanna's experience has taught me that no one is going to spit in my food if I am genuine, patient, complimentary and overall a pleasant person to be around. This is a learning outcome that I can apply not just in restaurants.
A few rough days have past, Jo has had multiple blood tests for anemia, gestational diabetes, and a couple other tests that I probably shouldn't attempt to spell. Her red blood count is improving with a doubled dose of iron. Who knew that all the dairy that she has been craving has been inhibiting the absorption of the iron pill? The diabetes thing seems like it is dragging on, she is on the cusp and the docs haven't come to a conclusion as to the course of action..... I say stop having the carnation breakfast shake ordered first off, I mean c'mon the second ingredient is sugar for crying out loud, 30 + grams!! The second would be to at least have the food appear to have been made/cooked on the premises and not in Prince George and then scooted down here in the Flinstone mobile. Now before you all get those ideas in your head like "I bet Jo is just accepting the food for what it is and is a super trooper....." you need to come down and take a look at the excuse for a chicken breast salad. Jo has had some fine words for the 'special of the day'. So let me take this opportunity to once again thank those that have contributed wonderful meals for us to substitute any time something unrecognizable shows up.
As I home school myself in the field of renovations, I feel that I am around a 'B' cruising into the midterm. Nursery has only two shelves to go up, a dresser to move in (thanks Jeanine), and a womens touch to finish things off. Cribs are done, glider/ottoman set up, floor replaced, and walls/closet painted, I think the bathroom midterm will test my reno fortitude. Furthermore as a complete aside, we are looking for new tenants come Oct 1st, Our good friends Kent and Kara are moving on to get settled for their new addition and we are going to have a huge hole to fill down there. Not a real hole just one from having really good friends move on, (probably didn't need to write out that explanation....) So if you know of any friends or family looking for a suite in Abbotsford please send them my way.
Class Dismissed.
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Wow! I am encouraged and humbled by each journal entry that you have written Ryan. Describing Joanna each time reminds me that we all have so much to be thankful for...not to mention the simple things like homecooked meals. Praying for you all and praising God that He is doing a miracle right before you!
ReplyDeleteThe Macadams
What can I say other than WOW! Your humble submission to what God is doing in your life is such an example. It definately is in these, "Woah, life will never be the same" moments that God teaches us the most. Some resist this kind of refining but you guys have just bowed down and it is an example that I am learning each day. From this position we are able to recieve from Him in a new way and He will not cease to give you gifts so above and beyound your expectations!
ReplyDeleteI just love you both tons and can't wait to see your two beautiful girls in your arms in His perfect timing.
May you both be richly blessed today with strength and energy to continue on this path!
Love to you both,
I love your blog Ryan! It is so inspirational and it is nice to get the updates on how you are all doing. You two are such amazing parents, these babies are already so blessed and loved :)
ReplyDeleteA few general comments based on some of my past experiences of the school of hard knocks...
1. Nurses deserve respect and kindness for all they do. It is a very demanding, under appreciated line of work. They take a lot of heat from everyone and need some care and understanding too. (Plus hospital food really isn't all that great)
2. As a waitress in my earlier years, there were definitely times that I wanted to spit in the food (trust me it would have been deserved). But I never did, not once. For some comedic relief on the subject, you and Joanna should watch the movie 'Waiting' with Ryan Reynolds. Good insight from a server's perspective ;) Be forewarned- it is quite graphic and vulgar... so on second thought, maybe you shouldn't let Joanna watch it. :)
3. Great book to read: 'Skinny Bitch: Bun In the Oven'. Going from the title alone, you can imagine how blunt it is- very in your face, but can help to scare you straight into eating healthy. Really got me going on the right track and I have never been healther, nutritionally speaking.
Keep up the great work and the great blogs!