Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shoes and their Lessons. - Update #8

It was a rough week. Let's call spades, spades. Joanna had a number of blood tests that resulted in her being almost/minimally gestationaly diabetic. I guess the combo of Snickers and slur-pees earlier on wasn't the greatest idea after all. But who am I to say, just the husband carrying out his duties for a loving, hormonal wife. (Men, this is not the point at which you interject the "I told you those weren't a good idea" phrase) Unless of course you seek the wrath.... Just for the record, and because I know Jo is reading this, I have never uttered those words. Now you may think cmon you're a trainer, how could you knowingly bring that stuff into your home. Wasn't it only a sentence or two back I mentioned the 'Wrath', please, I do at some point in the near future want to sleep in the same bed again. ;-)

Jo has a new appreciation for diabetics, and the bodily abuse they take on a daily basis. Finding out that fasting for 8+ hours, drinking a disgusting sugar syrup solution and then giving a bunch of blood will result in vomiting, tiredness, lack of appetite and a general feeling of crappyness. We self taught the difference between the glycemic index, and glycemic load. 'Index', taking 50gr of any food and testing its effect on blood sugar and 'load' taking the effects of an actual average serving size on sugar levels. Take for example carrots, higher on the index scale but you would have to eat an unreal serving size to have an appreciable spike in blood sugar.

As we inch towards a great milestone of 28 weeks, your thoughts, words of encouragement and prayers never get old. I like repeating important facts, I find that if I read the same thing again by an author he/she probably feels passionate about it. Your thoughts, words of encouragement, and prayers mean the world to us right now. I wish I could respond to all of you individually, gosh knows I have sent many a 'virtual message' back as we read and receive all kinds of encouragement. Just know we treasure it all.

Joanna's parents have been in town, using a well earned vacation to spend in Vancouver and the hospital, rather than hitting the beaches of Hawaii or some other long pined after vacation spot. This sacrifice hasn't gone unnoticed. It has allowed me to stay on top of work and even get a conditioning class organized for the very near future (1-2 weeks away). As well I have picked bathroom tiles, regained vision of the family room floor, thanks to my family and spend time with my favourite dog Bishop. Even though we have established a routine, it still doesn't feel normal. Our house seems like it is taking a giant deep breath, almost psyching itself up for the inevitable onslaught of estrogen in the coming months and years. This routine feels surreal. Almost as if I am walking a mile in anothers' shoes, as the saying goes. Don't get me wrong, and if you subscribe to the theory that all things happen for a reason, which I heavily do, this experience of someone else's shoes will come in very handy somewhere down the road. The crazy part is, it might not even be my road, or even Jo's, it could be one of our offspring or one their friends for all I know. My hope is someone will learn/be inspired by these shoes.

Another thing I would like to mention, our great friend Deb has volunteered her wonderful organizational/scheduling skills (she has 5 @ home+ Joel ;-) ) to help schedule visitors and Jo has enough on her plate as it stands. So please send your requests to and Deb will get you in at a time that is best suited for everyone.

I wish there was more to update, but other than my improving skill of putting on Jo's T.E.D stockings, and us now finally watching the first season of Prison Break, my hope is 28 weeks will soon be 34 and my wife and I can jump headfirst into parenting.

In Health,



  1. Hi - (I'm a friend of Joanna's from Trinity - also with twins) - Hang in there, guys - eyes on the prize! It sounds like a difficult journey and we won't forget to pray for the health and protection of the little girls still baking inside. You mentioned 34 weeks - does that mean they will be taking them out at 34 weeks? Before things got this "adventurous" for you two, Jo was asking about twin tips.... I'm still willing for offer my experience but I think you two (four) will be having such a different experience than I had. But my main tips are: don't stress too much if they are crying - it means they are still breathing, so they are OK! - if you're going to breast feed - figure out how to pump, especially for night feedings, then Ryan can feed one with a bottle, while you nurse the other (mine did breast and bottle from the start and had no "nipple confusion") - And, get them to sleep and eat at the same time! Blessings you guys!
    Cristy Thiessen (Nabinger)

  2. Malcolm and I are praying for you daily. We really enjoyed dinner with you guys last week as well. And Joanna - it was great to meet your parents on Sunday!

    Praising God with you for 27 1/2 weeks. May the Peace of God be with you this week.

  3. You're a wise man Ryan. And that surreal feeling... I don't think it ever totally goes away. Kids have a way of changing your life and your routine forever, in a good way. :) Soon your house will be filled with baby noises (amongst the barking and meowing) and it will seem like those little girls have always been a part of your life! :) -Simone
