Monday, September 28, 2009

Goldfish and Hockey Season - Update #11

Now before you start questioning where my priorities lie, the title is a shameless attention grab. It's for Canadians who have eagerly been biding our time this summer waiting for the guys in striped sweaters to drop the puck. Normally I would be jacked about this time of year, and I am, just not so much for the sticks and pucks, but more for the bonding, crying, cuddling and dare I say it, diaper changing.

As we draw close to 30 weeks (Thursday the 1st - My sisters birthday!) I cant help but look forward to the end of the month. Halloween has always been a good time for me, and not for the usual candy hording reasons, but more so for the time I spent with my dad when I was younger. If all continues to go as it has our girls will be as ready as the docs will allow them to be by the end of October. Now just as I have written this on the screen I check myself. If one believed in knocking on wood, this would be the time to do it. One thing I have learned and especially in precarious situations such as ours, is don't get too far ahead of yourself. I am mindful of the future, but I am keenly aware that as much as I want to be a dad at the end of October, it could very well be hours, instead of weeks. Bottom line; count your blessings. I am, as of right now those babies are still marinating inside. ;-)

Joanna's' uterus (kinda sounds weird) is a little irritable these days. She moves and it has small contractions, for the most part though they are unorganized. Our hope for now is that they don't learn how to coordinate. Funny how I work all day trying to get peoples muscles to coordinate and then I'm off to the hospital to hope for the exact opposite.

There are times where I wish I had a goldfishes memory, (3 seconds). In rare circumstances it is sometimes better to be naive to the facts. I think Jo and I are feeling that a little these days. Going downstairs(labour and delivery); the first time, I was ready but a little scared but I was at peace if it was time. Now though, the more I know, I still feel peace, its just an adapted version. Hard to describe, as you can tell by my nonsensical ramblings. A friend brought a goldfish balloon to Joanna and it is still hovering around, reminding me to have peace and know there is a Greater control at work.

Even though the Jobs household is not complete, that doesn't mean there isn't a flurry of activity. Reno's are taking place left right and centre. New flooring is ready to go in downstairs, tiles, bath and toilet in the main bath upstairs, and a ridiculous amount of cleanup and organizing all over the place. I have had mounds of help from family and am uber grateful. That being said, we are looking to organize a work day/weekend. Many have asked how they can help and so I am trying to set up some time to get some of these jobs done. This is all so we can have some sense of being on top of things before the craziness hits. Now I have been to work days before where you show up and there is little organization and you end up there all day feeling like you havent been utilized. No more. How I envisioned things is listing a bunch of tasks and whoever thinks they are up to can come blast it out and then be done. I am in the midst of compiling the list so hold off on the "I can totally come and knock a few walls down" emails.... I'll post it soon enough.

Go Oilers Go!!!!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hey

    I don't know about the weekend workday but i'm more than happy to drop off a few bags of clothes, all washed and organized into sizes. Let me know when and if you want me to do that or if you want to meet up somewhere i can do that too.

    Hugs as always to you, Jo and your baby girls.

    Love from my family to yours, Jennifer Armstrong

  3. Great idea. Looking forward to checking out that list. Organize is my middle name. :) Yay for almost 30 weeks!! -Simone
